East Resource Officer Marian Cosgrove is November's Laker Champion for Kids
East Calloway Elementary School's Marian Cosgrove has been named the November Laker Champion for Kids. The Laker Champion for Kids is awarded each month to a Laker staff member who goes above and beyond for students and colleagues.
Cosgrove, or "OC" as her students call her, is the school resource officer at East and also leads the D.A.R.E. program for students in all three Calloway County elementary schools.
“She is the epitome of a Champion for Kids," said East principal Monica Williams. "While safety is the number one priority for her, she also spends her day building relationships with Lakers at all three elementary schools. It is not unusual to see her interacting with students in the hallway, eating lunch with groups in the cafeteria, and volunteering to read to classes."
"When students were asked to describe her, many said she was nice, caring, and brave. If you’re having a bad day, she’ll tell you a joke and blow pink bubbles that she hides in her vest."
Cosgrove was nominated for the award by Southwest teacher Mallory Bybee. Bybee wrote, "When she sees a child having a hard time, she goes out of her way to develop a relationship with that student and truly become a champion for that child."
Director of Pupil Personnel Josh McKeel is also impressed with Cosgrove's dedication to her students.
“She goes above and beyond each day to protect, serve, and love our students," said McKeel. "She is always willing to help regardless of the task and excels at building relationships with our students and staff. Her efforts to bring the D.A.R.E program back to our elementary schools has provide our students with skills to make positive, healthy decisions.”