CCHS Students Win Skills USA Regional, Prepare for State Competition
Calloway County High School students competed in the Skills USA Auto Tech Regional Competition with students from the Paducah Innovation Hub on February 10 at the Murray-Calloway Area Technology Center. CCHS junior Micah Koenecke took first place and CCHS senior Dylan Price took second, qualifying both of them for the Skills USA Kentucky Conference in Louisville in April. CCHS junior Levi Powell also took 5th place in the competition.
Cory Polsgrove, Auto Tech Instructor at PIB, and Mitchell McNutt, Auto Tech Instructor MCCATC, worked together developing the regional competition. They wish to thank all the following businesses and people who help with prizes and judging: Lydia and Jordan at NAPA ATP in Murray for donating prizes for the winners; Jim “Thumper” Gilson from Toyota of Murray for helping setup and judging. Judges: Mike Miller, Office of Career and Technical Education; Ashley Weathers, Buck's Body Shop; Jonathan Dick, 2022 Auto Tech graduate and WKCTCS student; Bryan Beane, BB's Auto Repair; Bob Gunn, WKCTCS Automotive Instructor; and Eric Sills, WKCTCS Diesel Technology Instructor. Our timekeeper James Weathers, Centrifugal Technologies, Inc. and Selena McNutt entering the judges scores.