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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results:

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 36% | Middle 32% | High 29%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 22% | Middle 20% | High 22%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 37% | Middle 37% | High 26%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 18% | Middle 15% | High 13%

2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

Proficient Reading: #% | Distinguished Reading: #% | Proficient Math: #% | Distinguished Math: #%

CCHS Senior Matthew Jones Travels to DC to for SkillsUSA Leadership Training

CCHS Senior Matthew Jones Travels to DC to for SkillsUSA Leadership Training

Calloway County High School senior Matthew Jones recently traveled to Washington, D.C. to represent Kentucky at the SkillsUSA Washington Leadership Training in September. Jones traveled with ATC teacher and SkillsUSA sponsor Ron Thompson from the Murray/Calloway Area Technology Center.

The four-day SkillsUSA Washington Leadership Training Institute conference provided students an opportunity to grow in their professionalism, communication and leadership skills, which they apply during their visits to Congress. Delegations talked to elected officials or their staff members about their education paths and CTE training programs, the value of career and technical education and the benefits of their SkillsUSA participation. They explained how today's workplace requires employees with career readiness skills, and that SkillsUSA develops these skills in students of all ages and backgrounds.

The conference focused on advanced communications skills including development of a SkillsUSA Framework story to share during their visits with elected officials. This year's conference included training for students and advisors on personal and workplace skills; a tour of Washington, D.C., monuments and museums; and a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery.

SkillsUSA is one of the nation's largest individual membership organizations for career and technical students and its programs are integrated into the CTE curriculum. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the average high school graduation rate for students concentrating in CTE programs is 94% compared to an average national freshman graduation rate of 85%. CTE also helps create a trained pipeline of future workers to support a strong American economy and global competitiveness.

Pictured are Thompson, Jones, and Lily Jones (Henderson County) and Jeff Jones (Henderson County)