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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results:

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 36% | Middle 32% | High 29%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 22% | Middle 20% | High 22%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 37% | Middle 37% | High 26%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 18% | Middle 15% | High 13%

2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

Proficient Reading: #% | Distinguished Reading: #% | Proficient Math: #% | Distinguished Math: #%

Michael Wright Wins 2023 KDE Support Staff Professional Award

Michael Wright Wins 2023 KDE Support Staff Professional Award

Michael Wright, an instructional assistant at the Calloway County Day Treatment Center (DTC), was honored with the 2022-2023 Kentucky Education Support Staff Professional (KESSP) Award on Dec. 12. He is one of two honorees in Kentucky and received his award in a surprise ceremony on December 12. Pictured are KDE commissioner Jason Glass, Wright, Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman, and Calloway County superintendent Tres Settle.

For the full article on Mr. Wright's accomplishment, check out the official KDE article on Kentucky Teacher.