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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results:

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 36% | Middle 32% | High 29%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 22% | Middle 20% | High 22%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 37% | Middle 37% | High 26%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 18% | Middle 15% | High 13%

2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

Proficient Reading: #% | Distinguished Reading: #% | Proficient Math: #% | Distinguished Math: #%

Request to Use Facilities

Fee Schedule

Facilities Use Request Instructions

Thank you for your interest in utilizing Calloway County School District facilities. Please follow the following steps to submit your one-time or multi-use request(s):

Step 1:

Contact the corresponding principal/administrator for the facility with specific date(s) and time(s) that you are requesting. They will be responsible for ensuring the facilities are available.

Calloway County High School*

Steve Smith


Calloway County Middle School

David Carmichael


East Calloway Elementary School

Monica Williams


North Calloway Elementary School

Melinda Hendley


Southwest Calloway Elementary School

Mark Mallory


Calloway County Preschool

Leisha Barlow


Calloway County Alternative Instructional Facility

Travis Anderson


*Includes Auxiliary Gym and all Sports Fields located on the Main Campus


Step 2:

Once the principal has approved the date(s) and time(s) requested, fill out the corresponding form:


Note: a separate request will need to be submitted for each facility/school being requested.


Step 3:

Submit your proof of insurance and proof of non-profit status (if required) to this email address.


Step 4:

Your contract will then be pending board approval. The Board Meeting dates can be found here. Expect to receive your contract 1-2 business days after the meeting. Please call the Board of Education office at (270)760-7300 option 9 if not received in that time frame.


Step 5:

Once signed by the principal and approved by the board, the contract will be sent to you via the email provided on the request form. Please review for accuracy and respond with any questions or concerns. If everything is accurate, sign the contract as well as the AED notification page (page 3) and bring it, along with your fee payment, to the Board Office at 2110 College Farm Rd, Murray, KY 42071.